September 2024 in Review

“Hello, everyone! It’s Ms. Wheelchair Ohio 2024 – Gabby Kozinski at you again with September’s blog entry. I have been quite busy this month with a lot more exciting events than last month’s…

First, on September 9th, I had the amazing opportunity to appear on Good Day Columbus (my mom’s favorite news channel lol). I got to talk with Katie and Cameron about my platform, the state competition and the national competition, along with how women can get involved with the organization. Thanks for having me, guys!

Gabby is wearing her sash and crown sitting in her powerchair between a woman and a man, Katie and Cameron. They are in front of a TV and large windows with skyscrapers in view. Bubble text on the image reads, "Good Day Columbus," and, "Katie & Cam."

Next, on September 18th, I did a podcast interview with a guy named wheelchair Ric, who is from Michigan, about my advocacy journey, my platform and my personal life experience thriving with cerebral palsy, as well as advertising for the next Ms. Wheelchair Ohio competition. Watch the podcast here. Thanks for having me, Ric!

Then, on September 21st, I had quite the busy day, as I had two events. First, I had the opportunity to be a part of the Tiffin Heritage Festival parade, where so many children and adults were cheering my name and waving. Afterwards, I was invited by the royalty court to join their luncheon where we had a yummy meal provided by the Wall Street Pub in Tiffin. There were raffles, visiting royalties and a big group picture of everyone at the end. The court members even gave a little gift bag to everyone in attendance with a few goodies.

A large group of children and adults wearing crowns and sashes that represent their 2024 titles.

Stay tuned for more amazing opportunities for next month. 😁”