June 2024 in Review

“Hello, everyone! It’s Ms. Wheelchair Ohio 2024 – Gabby Kozinski at you again with June’s blog entry. I have been quite busy this month with a lot more exciting events than last month’s…

First, on June 9th, I had the amazing opportunity of being in the Miss Ohio parade with many other queens celebrating the miss Ohio competition. I also got to pass out little crowns to little girls while talking about my platform while there.

Second, on June 14th, I did a little interview with Kara Ayers from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital about disability etiquette and how to properly interact with individuals with disabilities.

A screenshot of a virtual meeting includes Gabby in her sash and crown and a woman wearing a headset. Both women are smiling.

Next, on June 26th, I spoke at my public library about how the national competition is going to be and how to communicate to people with disabilities.

Gabby sits in her wheelchair, wearing her sash, crown, and a big smile.

Stay tuned for next month’s entry.”