“Hello, everyone! It’s Ms. Wheelchair Ohio 2024-Gabby Kozinski at you again with May’s blog entry…
Unfortunately, May wasn’t as busy as I anticipated due to some unexpected events, but nonetheless, I still was able to get some amazing events.
First, on May 13th, I had the pleasure of speaking to a group called C U Lead, which is a leadership program for adults interested in going into business. I spoke about how to properly engage with individuals with disabilities and how we can still live a rewarding lifestyle and do whatever we put our minds to.

Next, on May 16th, I had the honor of speaking to Bucyrus Kiwanis club about my platform and the process of becoming Ms. Wheelchair Ohio, along with potential changes in Bucyrus.

Behind the scenes, my professional photos have been submitted to Ms. Wheelchair America. One step closer to nationals!

I did have other things lined up, but unfortunately, stuff didn’t work out like I had planned.
Stay tuned for next month’s entry as I should be busier.”